Help Support this site!
Someone please spare me a plat?No, seriously speaking, I spend hours every week working on these comics (and I'm not including the time spent leveling my chars/fighting in RvR ;). If you enjoy these comics, I would seriously appreciate any small contribution to supporting this site and this work. Not to mention I would rather not have pop-ups. I hate pop-ups.
Camelot Addict Gear![]()
No, there are no ablative procs on the t-shirts. Sorry.
Whines for DimesYes, you can actually (anonymously) contribute a few silver to help support Cam Addict. (The minimum number of dimes is 10, but more than 10 is also highly welcome.) Note: I myself never see your credit card info... or your name, or anything.A big thank-you to everyone who has donated money so far!!!
BannersPlease go ahead and use these banners to promote Camelot Addict ( on your web site!
Or ... Check Out My Other Cafepress StuffI also have some other art available online and on sale via (yup) Cafepress. If you have an interest in: God/spirituality, cockatiels (especially cockatiels), lovebirds, shetland sheepdogs, aikido, betta fish, horsies, anime... blah, blah, check out:The various birdie shirts on the animal-related page are actually pretty popular!