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From 9 February 2004: The Epitome of ML1

ow ... OW! ... ow

From 11 February 2004: The Epitome of ML2


From 13 February 2004: The Epitome of ML3

(This one goes out to Xaerik :P)

From 23 February 2004: Hightlight of ML4


From 25 February 2004: Highlight of ML5

My brain... has been sucked out my nose!

From 27 February 2004: Highlight of ML6

Pig-people and cow-men, woo!

From 8 March 2004: Highlight of ML7

Oo, Shades 2 of 3 burns blue!
(P.S. I know this step is easier now. Yay!)

From 10 March 2004: Highlight of ML8

And then there's Ibn, and 8.10, and...
(P.S. AND it's easier to find him now. Yay!)

From 12 March 2004: Highlight of ML9


From 24 May 2004: The ML10 Blues


Art, text copyright 2003 by Eri Izawa ("Rei"). Mythic Entertainment, "Dark Age of Camelot" (DAoC), "Shrouded Isles," are trademarks of Mythic Entertainment, Inc.

Note: You can send Camelot Addict feedback/comments to: "reijin_iii" at the domain name "" (this is subject to change depending on how much spam I get). Thanks!
